the rock is
The Rock is a causal contemporary church that values authenticity. We meet at West Acres Cinema at 10 am each Sunday. This is the Personal blog of Pastor Scott J Kruse.
Monday, October 22, 2012
God is not a Republican
“I hate those narrow-minded, right-wing evangelicals!” According to the book “un-christian,” and the extensive research done for it, that is how many people in our world and culture think of us Christians. Unfortunately though, many Christians are exactly that way. They look down on others based on their political affiliation.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I have a tendency to look at other people as morons if they disagree with me.
I always think I am right, but I don’t think I am always right. You may want to read that a couple of times.
If I thought I was wrong I would simply change my mind and then I would think I was right. I also think that you are the same way.
I know that when I stand before the Lord, the one that is always right, I will find that some of my most strongly held views, were wrong.
As a citizen and human being I am entitled to my opinions. But as a Pastor leading a church I believe my time is best spent, and I am more Christlike, if I stick to issues of faith, morality, and stuff that the Bible takes a stand on. Too many Christians equate their political ideas with morality and faith, and no, I don’t think Jesus has registered with any political party.
The religious boneheads of the day (Pharisees) tried to pull Jesus into a political discussion so they could shut him up. Mk 12:17. But Jesus rises above it saying “Give to God what is God’s, and caesar's what is caesar's.”
Now, while I believe that capitalism funded the greatest evangelistic push the world has ever seen, I don’t see a strong case for a specific economic system in scripture.
I find (gasp!) Socialism in Acts 2:44-45:
“And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need.” (Again in Acts 4:32-37)
I even see the death penalty used in Acts 5 when two Christians refuse to have all of their wealth redistributed. (Yes, I am having some fun with you, Yes, I am aware I am taking stuff out of context. No, I don’t think the IRS should use the death penalty.)
We could have more fun looking at the welfare system in the Old Testament, a system that I don’t think you would want to adopt (slavery, and a year of Jubilee every generation). But I digress.
At The Rock, if we offend people, let us make sure it is because we are standing up for Biblical righteousness and not our opinions, no matter how strongly we believe something or how right we think we are. All of us so-called Christians could use a big dose of humility.
I won’t endorse candidates, I won’t take public political stands, but I will preach what the Bible says and trust our people to vote for the person that most resembles their values.
And if you don’t vote, you have no right to an opinion. Oh, wait,... ok, not much scriptural support for that, but it’s what I think.
I always think that I am right, but I don’t think I am always right.
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