the rock is

The Rock is a causal contemporary church that values authenticity. We meet at West Acres Cinema at 10 am each Sunday. This is the Personal blog of Pastor Scott J Kruse.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I have gotten behind posting content here on my personal blog. I have been doing a daily devotional called the Deeper Rock that tracks with the themes from our Rock talks on Sundays. Rather than posting a whole bunch here there are two places where you can see them. (personal account beware of vacation vids)

There has been a good response to the Deeper Rock so I decided to invest in it. I bought a new camera that would be more professional and I upping the production some. I want to thank everybody that has said nice things. It really encouraged me to do the investment. Here is my first vid with the new camera. I still may do some things to do a better job with the audio am toying with the idea of a green screen, who knows. Since this is a personal blog I am also going to subject you to my kid singing and talking about her cousin.